2015 brings... a lecture on Irene Ward MP, a paper on Disraeli to the Oxford University TORCH symposium and plans for a seminar series marking the seventieth anniversary of the United Nations.
A taste of what Helen is working on in 2015:
- Delivering the 2015 Speaker’s Advisory Committee of Works of Art International Women’s Day lecture, ‘Irene Ward MP (1895-1980), doughty parliamentarian and campaigner’ .
- Revisiting and re-evaluating representations of Disraeli’s legacy in a paper to the Oxford University TORCH symposium convened by Sandra Meyer and Megan Kearney, ‘The Many Lives of Benjamin Disraeli: Fame, Legacy and Representation.’
- Contributing to plans for a series of seminars in Brighton, Oxford and London marking the seventieth anniversary of the United Nations
If you would like more information about past or current projects please contact Helen directly.